About the Journal

Andalasian Livestock promotes the sustainable development of the livestock sector by publishing original, peer-reviewed research and review articles covering all aspects of the broad field of animal science and technology. The journal welcomes submissions on cutting-edge areas of animal genetics, breeding, growth, reproduction, nutrition, physiology, behavior, genetic resources, welfare, ethics, health, management, production systems, and socio-economics of the livestock. The high-quality content of this journal reflects the truly international nature of this diverse area of research. Papers presenting reviews and meta-analyses must ensure they offer novel insights to our global readership.

The publication of Andalasian Livestock addresses several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by advancing knowledge and fostering solutions in animal science and technology. Specifically, the journal contributes to:

  1. SDG 2: Zero Hunger - By promoting research on improving livestock productivity, nutrition, and management, the journal helps enhance food security and address hunger issues.
  2. SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being - Through studies on animal health, welfare, and disease management, the journal supports efforts to ensure healthy lives and well-being for both humans and animals.
  1. SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production - The journal encourages responsible consumption and production patterns by disseminating research on sustainable livestock production practices and resource management.
  2. SDG 13: Climate Action - By investigating the environmental impact of livestock farming and exploring strategies for mitigation and adaptation, the journal contributes to global efforts to combat climate change.
  3. SDG 15: Life on Land - Through research on genetic conservation, sustainable land use, and biodiversity conservation in livestock farming, the journal supports the preservation of terrestrial ecosystems and life on land.

Overall, Andalasian Livestock contributes to advancing knowledge and practices promoting livestock systems' sustainability, welfare, and resilience, thereby achieving various SDGs related to agriculture, health, environment, and livelihoods.

ASJC Code: 1103 – Animal Science and Zoology; 3401 – Veterinary (miscellaneous)